Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


Hallo udah berapa bulan ga ngisi blog ini, bingung juga, such a kinda not in my way now. masih beradaptasi  dengan keadaan yang sekarang. jauh dari orang tua, rumah baru, lingkungan baru, teman-teman baru. everything's new even a few of my clothes ;) masih nyari-nyari yang mana yang terbaik buat sekarang. sekarang gatau mau apa yang gue tau cuma mau balik kerumah ketemu Ayah sama Ibu plus ketemu sahabat-sahabat SMA gue, that's it. tapi so far gue seneng ada disini with the new guys and girls, my new friends are so damn rock! meskipun gue dibully terus tiap hari :') satu hal yang gue pelajari sejauh ini, kehidupan disini keras bgttt hahahahahaha boong deng masih kerasan Jakarta, Ciledug, Bintaro dan sekitarnya. love, love, love, love. <3

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

this words just trough my mind

a broken heart, so sad
I can't handle it, seriously
but he just came to me and everything's just change
who say that move on is hard?
who say that to love someone else is hard?
that's all bullshit
you just need to find someone else and love them as much as they did
but one thing I would like to say
don't be cheapy don't took someone from someone else
and one thing again,
don't be bitchy don't act like everybody wants you
maybe you're in their game
girl, keep classy don't be nasty
and the boy who I met and fix my heart, I love you.

with love

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

High School Never End

I believe in that words "High School Never End" it's because...  last friday night with my classmates from high school year we were just have fun together kita abis bukber (buka bareng) seru? Banget! And I miss them sooooooooo freakin’ much! Padahal cuma ga ketemu beberapa bulan sekitar 2 bulanan mungkin tapi hebringnya minta ampun bok! Setiap ada yang datang langsung teriak-teriak “aaaaaaaa aaaaaw aaarrrghhh” rada lebay tapi begitulah -_- langsung peluk-pelukan, nangis-nangisan, guling-guling dilantai, loncat-loncat, motong melon, dsb (yang ini beneran lebay) padahal baru berapa bulan ga ketemu nanti kalo bertahun-tahun ga ketemu gimana? :’( kangen berangkat bareng Lia dan Deti pulang bareng Cacha, Dita, Halimah, dan Budhe kadang nambah beberapa orang. Kangen ngegosip bareng Lia dan Deti kalo berangkat sekolah, kangen ngegosip pas pulang sekolah, kangen suasana kelas serta isi-isinya. Kangen sama anak cowok yang kadang nyebelin tapiiiii nyenengin juga, kangen sama cengan mereka :’( mereka tuh langka loh! Jarang ketemu mahluk kayak mereka… anak ceweknya yang super gosiiiip dan selalu ter up to date soal apapun yang kadang ga kompak sama anak cowok tapi sesame cewek ya tetep kompak2 aja lah yaaaah haha pokonya kangen kalian!!!!! Duh ga ada kata-kata lagi yang pas buat kalian selain UH-MA-ZING (Amazing), AW-SEM (Awesome) Unforgettable, Lovely and much much much muchhhhhhh moreeeee pokonya don’t ever forget me ya my classmate my Al - Araf love from meeeeee kiss kiss :* :* :* 

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

'alay' pencil case lol♥

seriously my pencil case has change became an Alay sumpah ya tempat pensil gue yang udah bagus-bagus indah, cantik, dan menawan jadi Alay banget karena perbuatan anak laki. dengan pedenya mereka nyoret-nyoret nama mereka sendiri tanpa seizin gue. awalnya cuma ada nama Tompel sama Galih tapi lama-lama nambah jadi ada Fathroy, Dany, Yusri, Dhika, Jimmy, dan Deden. sampe2 bu Latifah nanya ke gue "Shabrina itu tempat pensil kamu?" "iya bu." "kok namanya Deden?" "iya bu dicoret2 sama dia semua nama ada disini." dia ketawa aja dan padahal itu lagi uas, bok! nih mau liat kobannya ga

ya tapi mau gimana pun juga ini salah satu kenang2an dari mereka apra anak lelaki bala haha ntar semua ini akan menjadi sesuatu yang paling gue kangenin didunia ini haha♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

admirador secreto

Imagino que você vai ler isso, assim que você saberia o meu sentimento, sou seuadmirar segredo. mas agora, eu vou tentar não mais te adoro, eu vou tentar parar de assumir tambémmuvh, eu vou tentar não flertar com você, porque dói quando eu sabia que você gosta de alguém e eu não saber quem é esse. Eu não sei o que é de mim ou não.
sorry if my language is bad really-really bad, haha peace out!

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Mohammad Harits♥

well tadi abis jenguk nyokapnya Ricka disana kita nangis-nangis dan gue keinget sama ade gue, Mohammad Harits a.k.a Rizki a.k.a ade Iky gue jadi inget kondisi ade gue pas banget kayak nyokapnya Ricka sekarang dan mendadak gue kangen banget sama dia, how are you de? Ka Ririn miss you so much nih no one can replace you as my best brother ever!!!!!!!! kalo kayak gini jadi pengen nyanyiin lagu Elthon John yang judulnya Daniel tapi liriknya diganti Rizki haha lagunya ngingetin sama ade gue banget

Rizki is travelling tonight on a plane

I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain

Oh and I can see Rizki waving goodbye
God it looks like Rizki, must be the clouds in my eyes

They say Spain is pretty though I've never been

Well Rizki says it's the best place that he's ever seen
Oh and he should know, he's been there enough
Lord I miss Rizki, oh I miss him so much

Rizki my brother you are older than me

Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal
Your eyes have died but you see more than I
Rizki you're a star in the face of the sky

Rizki is travelling tonight on a plane

I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Rizki waving goodbye
God it looks like Rizki, must be the clouds in my eyes
Oh God it looks like Rizki, must be the clouds in my eyes

Rizki in the middle
Just for your information de, maybe now you're in a heaven, I believe so, cause you're a good boy, 
all people love you, all people, and now I just miss you so much, if I could back to the time when you were still alive I'm gonna hug you and said you' re my best little brother ever and forever♥♥♥

Selasa, 05 April 2011

what I'm gonna miss... ♥

this is what I'm gonna miss, our togetherness, our happiness, all the things that we've been trought togeteher,sad, happy, silly, funny, everything, I'm gonna miss all of you, all-of-you!! anything about you I'll be missing it!! I want to say that I love you so much, and there are nothing can't be replace you from my heart, as my friends, my best friends, my family. 
I love you XII A 3 I love you Al - Araf I love you so
 damn much!!!
I'm gonna miss the convoy in  ramadhan

 I'm gonna miss to laugh out loud together with you

I'm gonna miss to play futsal and win the game with you

 I'm gonna miss to having fun together with you

 I'm gonna miss when we were all look so beautiful

 I'm gonna miss to take a picture with silly face with you

 I'm gonna miss to watch the rainbow with you
 I'm gonna miss to play UNO with you

I'm gonna miss Fathroyyan, Dany, Deden, Tompel, Yusri, Dika, Anom, Memet, Rizki, Galih, My Chairmate from X grade Ira, Aji, Aryo, Ucup, Wahyu, Rosid, Ricka, Finy, Bina, Deti, Dita, Nindiah, Merly, Irhas, Yola, Yuli, Jimmy, Bocil, Liza, Inda, Lia, Okky, Debby, Halimah, Wiwie, Renanda, Rahmadillah, Tica, Kate, Menye2 alias Novia, Bude
I'm gonna miss you all :'( I love you so